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Can a tailored strategy change outcome?
Does stratified medicine guided by an Interventional Diagnostic Procedure (IDP) improve angina in patients without obstructive CAD?

Ford et al, Stratified Medical Therapy Using Invasive Coronary Function Testing In Angina: CorMicA Trial, JACC (2018), doi:
Primary endpoint: 6-month SAQ change

Ford et al, Stratified Medical Therapy Using Invasive Coronary Function Testing In Angina: CorMicA Trial, JACC (2018), doi:
1 – year outcome

Modified from C. Berry, AHA 2019
ESC Guidelines chronic coronary syndromes 2019 update
Guidewire-based CFR and/or microcirculatory resitance measurements should be considered in patients with persistent symptoms, but coronary arteries that are either angiographically normal or have moderate stenoses with preserved iwFR/FFR.
6.1.3 Treatment
Treatment of microvascular angina should address the dominant mechanism of microcirculatory dysfunction.
In patients with abnormal CFR <2.0 or IMR >_25 units, and a negative acetylcholine provocation test, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, and statins, along with lifestyle changes and weight loss, are indicated.
Patients developing ECG changes and angina in response to acetylcholine testing but without severe epicardial vasoconstriction (all suggestive of microvascular spasm) may be treated like vasospastic angina patients.
The effectiveness of a tailored treatment strategy was investigated in the CorMiCa trial, which randomized 151 patients to a stratified medical treatment (based on the results of CFR, IMR, and acetylcholine testing) vs. a standard-care group (including a sham interventional diagnostic procedure). At 1 year, there was a significant difference in angina scores favouring patients assigned to the stratified medical treatment arm.
Prof Nico Pijls, Catharina Hospital Eindhoven, using CoroFlow to assess Absolute Coronary Blood Flow and Myocardial Resistance
Absolute Flow, Resistance and local hypothermia
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Pressure-Bounded CFR, PB-CFR
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